Late last week, Sundar Pichai, the CEO of Google, is attempting to address the criticism leveled at the company’s Bard AI debut, which lagged behind OpenAI’s ChatGPT and Microsoft Bing. In the upcoming week, Bard will receive improvements, with plans to switch from the LaMDA model to a more potent PaLM model, Pichai said on the New York Times Loud Fork podcast. He acknowledged the worries about AI expressed by Elon Musk and others and defended the initial application of the LaMDA model as a prudent approach. Despite having to catch up to OpenAI, Pichai does not see the use of potent AI chatbots as being reckless. He also discussed the potential for artificial general intelligence (AGI) and its effects, claiming that humanity would learn to deal with the difficulties it would bring.
Pichai says Bard Upgrade Imminent

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