Here are some prompts that you can use to generate AI art:

  1. Create an abstract landscape using only primary colors.
  2. Generate a portrait of a famous historical figure using only geometric shapes.
  3. Design a futuristic cityscape using a limited palette of metallic colors.
  4. Create a still life scene featuring a vase of flowers and a fruit bowl, using a limited color scheme of your choice.
  5. Generate a surrealist self-portrait featuring elements from nature, such as plants or animals.
  6. Design a futuristic vehicle using a limited color scheme of your choice.
  7. Create a fantasy creature using a limited color scheme of your choice.
  8. Generate a portrait of a celebrity using a limited color scheme of your choice.
  9. Design a futuristic fashion outfit using a limited color scheme of your choice.
  10. Create a surrealist still life scene featuring everyday objects arranged in unexpected ways.

I hope these prompts give you some inspiration for creating AI art! Let me know if you have any questions.